I lived in Japan for almost 7 years. This period of time is long when you compare with just a short stay of one week for traveling, it is short when compare with a lifetime. It was a time not long after graduation from the university, when my contemporaries were establishing their careers and families back home. I have chosen to walk a different path to start a new chapter of my life in Japan. I guess it's my karmic force that led me back to Japan, to reunite with my friends in Japan that I met in my past life. 約7年間日本で暮らした。この期間は1週の旅行に比べてみれば長いだろうけど、一生の時間となら短いだろう。その時は大学から卒業してまもなく、同期生たちがキャリアと家庭を築いていたに対して違う道を選んで、日本で人生の新しい章を始めた。日本に戻ったのが、前世に知り合った日本の友人たちと再会するためかもね。
Room 403, Morinaga apartment, the place that I spent my golden years... 森永アパート403室、人生一番輝いてる時期はここで過ごした。。。
よくここで黒ゴマと抹茶アイスとバナナオレを買った。ちょーうめ~~~。あとこち亀のマンガも。There is a convenient store Lawson just opposite the apartment. Used to buy ice cream of black sesame and japanese green tea flavors and banana milk. Kochikame comics too.
Always took this route, walked pass a high school, この道を通って、鎮西高校の前通過し、
then turn right to this lane towards the lab in the campus. そして研究室へ。
Is it only me that will feel nostalgia for the sights along the road that I took everyday to work ?