Friday, July 18, 2008

東京タワー 〜オカンとボクと、時々、オトン〜 Tokyo Tower: Mom and I and sometimes Dad

オダギリジョーと樹木希林の主演「東京タワー 〜オカンとボクと、時々、オトン〜」。
Last weekend, I watched a movie.
It's "Tokyo Tower: Mom and I and sometimes Dad", starring Odagiri Jyo and Kiki Kirin.

It's just a simple story about a mother and her son, but I was touched.
The conversations between them conducted in Kyushu dialect, left quite an impact on me as I lived in Kyushu for a long time before.
Until now I am still feeling affectionate.

And warmth.


kmsiah said...

anbi, u ini semua bahasa jippun, wa mana tau tengok. kasi sini english ka, melayu ka, atau cine, baru wa faham sini

庄严立湍 said...

soli soli.
busy packing for house moving.
harap ampun...

Anonymous said...

Hellow! It's a nice blog. I'll often visit here. Should do practice my English again.

I've also watched this movie in Japan. And shed tears. 加峰

Anonymous said...

Hellow! It's a nice blog. I'll often visit here. Should do practice my English again.

I've also watched this movie in Japan. And shed tears.

庄严立湍 said...

Congratulations 加峰!!! Cheers mate!